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Agreement to the terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of the present Terms and Conditions of Usage (hereinafter referred to as 'Terms and Conditions') is to specifically prescribe between the Korean Association for Radiation Application (hereinafter referred to as "KARA") and the customers (hereinafter referred to as "members") the membership registration conditions of the service provided by KARA, general information related to the utilization of the service, and other necessary information.

Article 2 (Terms and Conditions' Effect and Change)

① Terms and Conditions shall become effective upon posting of the service menu and KARA to all users using the service, including members registered to KARA, or by notification to members by other methods. The posting may be found at the RATIS website. (http://www.ratis.or.kr)
② KARA may modify the Terms and Conditions where there is a reasonable reason, and the modified Terms and Conditions shall be notified in advance without delay.

Article 3 (Rules Not Specified in Terms and Conditions)

The present Terms and Conditions are applied to the usage of the service. The Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. and other relevant laws and regulations are applied to details not specified in the present Terms and Conditions.

Article 4 (Definitions)

① The definitions of the terms used in the present Terms and Conditions are as follows.
1. 'Member' refers to the users who use the service provided in the membership.
2. 'Usage contract' refers to the contract concluded between KARA and the members with regard to the usage of the service.
3. 'ID' refers to the combination of letters and numbers selected by members and approved by KARA for the identification of    members and use of the service by the members.
4. 'Password' refers to the combination of letters and numbers selected by members to identify a member with a given ID    and to protect the rights and interests of the members.
5. 'Cancellation' means cancellation of the usage contract by KARA or a member.
② Except those specified in Article 1, the definitions of the terms used in the present Terms and Conditions are in accordance with those specified by relevant laws and regulations and the introduction to each service.

Article 5 (Establishment of Usage Contract)

① The usage contract is established when KARA approves the consent of a member to the Terms and Conditions and the member’s request for usage.
② Consent to the Terms and Conditions is established by clicking the ‘Approve’ button on 'Terms and Conditions of Website Usage and Personal Information Collection and Utilization' at the request.

Article 6 (Request to Use Services)

① All members can use the service by providing the member's real name. If a real name is not used, the usage of the service may be restricted.
② A membership application can only be made with the user’s real name.
③ The ID of a member who requested service under another persons’ identity can be deleted without notification in advance, and the member may be liable under relevant laws and regulations.
④ KARA may classify members using the service into grades, and may provide different services to members of individual grades.

Article 7 (Protection and Usage of Personal Information)

KARA implements a personal information protection policy to protect the personal information of service users as specified by relevant laws and regulations. The relevant laws and regulations and KARA's personal information protection policy are applied to the protection and utilization of users' personal information. However, KARA shall not be held responsible for any information revealed by reasons attributable to the users.

Article 8 (Approval and Restriction of Usage Request)

① KARA shall approve the usage of service by members requesting service usage according to Article 6, if there is not a business problem or a technical glitch.
② When a service application falls under any of the following reasons, the approval may be suspended by KARA until the reason for restriction is resolved.
1. Insufficient capacity of KARA facilities
2. Technical glitch with KARA
3. Other reasons attributable to KARA that may make approval difficult
③ KARA shall immediately notify the member requesting usage, if the usage request is rejected or the approval is restricted.
④ KARA may restrict approval according to details separately specified, if the member requesting the usage is a minor.

Article 9 (KARA's Rights and Duties)

① When an opinion or a complaint filed by a member is deemed reasonable, KARA should address such opinion or complaint immediately through appropriate procedure. However, when an immediate response cannot be provided, the Office shall notify the member of the reasons for the delay and the response schedule in writing or via e-mail or telephone.
② KARA shall have the duty of protecting the personal information of members according to the personal information protection policy prepared by KARA. However, KARA shall not do so in legal procedures in accordance with relevant legal regulations.
③ If KARA needs to use the personal information of members or provide it to a third party out of the notified or specified range despite the provisions in Article 2, KARA shall obtain consent from the member through individual notification.
④ KARA shall immediately repair or restore any system error or loss, unless there is an unforeseen circumstance, in order to provide continuous and stable service. However, in the cases of natural disasters, emergencies or other unavoidable cases, the service may be temporarily stopped or discontinued.
⑤ KARA shall provide convenience to the members about the procedures and details related to the contract with the members, including conclusion of the usage contract, modification and cancellation of the contract, etc.
⑥ KARA may prepare and use statistical data about the personal information of all members or a part of the members under prior consent of the members in relation to the business, and transfer cookies to the members' computers through the service. The member may reject the reception of the cookies or modify the computer browser settings to alert the reception of the cookies. The member shall be responsible for any change in service usage caused by changing the cookie settings.

Article 10 (Member's Rights and Duties)

① A member cannot engage in any of the following when using the service.

1. Stealing another member’s ID and password
2. Copying, processing, translating, or adapting information acquired from the service for purposes other than personal    usage, or its duplication, playing, broadcasting, displaying, distribution, and publication or provision to a third party.
3. Any act that undermines another’s honor or causes disadvantage to the other
4. Any act that violates KARA's copyright, a third party's copyright, or other rights
5. Distribution of any information, sentences, figures, or voices in violation of public order and good morals of the community    to others
6. Any act that is objectively recognized to be related to criminal activity
7. Any act of registering or distributing materials infected with a computer virus that causes a malfunction related to the    service or destruction and confusion of information
8. Transmitting information that may disturb the stable operation of the service or transmitting advertising information    against the will of the receivers
9. Any act that required correction by an authoritative institution including the Information Communication Ethics Committee,    consumer protection organizations, etc.
10. Any act that violates the Public Official Election Act and is ordered by the Election Commission to stop, discontinue, or      modify
11. Any act in violation of the relevant laws and regulations

② A member shall observe the details specified in the present Terms and Conditions, the service usage guidelines or cautions, and other regulations separately notified and posted by KARA.
③ A member cannot use the services for any business activity without prior approval from KARA, and KARA shall not be held responsible for such business activity.
④ In a case where such business activity causes any damage to KARA, the member shall be liable to KARA for damages.
⑤ A member shall not transfer or give to another person their rights under the Terms and Conditions and the usage contract and cannot provide that as a security.
⑥ A member shall not divert the entire service or some details and functions of the service without acquiring approval from KARA in advance.
⑦ In cases where a member, by visiting or by using a digital signature or ID, requires the viewing or correction of the member's personal information, KARA shall take a necessary action immediately after identifying the member.
⑧ In cases where a representative of a member requires the viewing or correction of the member's personal information, KARA may require evidence of the representing relationship.
⑨ KARA shall prepare a procedure to collect members' opinions and treat members' complaints about personal information.

Article 11 (Service Usage Time)

① Service usage is for 365 days a year, 24 hours a day when there are no business or technical concerns with KARA precluding such use. However, KARA may suspend the service on the day or hours designated by KARA for system regular checkup, addition and/or replacement, and such temporary suspension of service due to planned activity shall be notified in advance through the KARA webpage.
② In case of service suspension due to reasons that cannot be controlled by KARA (disk error, system failure, etc. without the intentional or accidental action of the system administrator), KARA cannot make prior notice, and shall not provide notice in case of system suspension due to the intentional or accidental acts of others (PC communication associations, key telecommunications business operator, etc.).

Article 12 (User ID Management)

① A member shall be responsible for managing their ID and password.
② In a case where a member becomes aware that their ID has been wrongly used, the member should immediately notify KARA.

Article 13 (Management of Postings)

When a posting or a material falls under any of the following, KARA may delete or transfer it or reject its registration.

- A posting or material that severely insults another member or a third party or undermines their honor
- Distributing or containing a link about content that violates public order and good morals of the community
- Promoting illegal copying or hacking
- Advertisement for profits
- Contents objectively recognized to be related to criminal activity
- Contents that violate the copyright of another member or a third party copyright, or other rights
- Contents that violate the posting principles specified by KARA or that are not in harmony with the characteristics of the   board
- Contents that are recognized to violate other relevant laws and regulations

Article 14 (Copyright of Postings)

① A member shall not use the materials posted on the service for a commercial purpose by arbitrarily processing and selling the information acquired by using the service.
② When a member's posting or a material registered on the service by a member falls under any clauses of Article 13, KARA may delete or transfer it or reject the registration of it without prior notification.

Article 15 (Provision of Information)

KARA may provide members various information that is recognized as necessary in the usage of the service by members through e-mail, telephone communication, or other methods.

Article 16 (Modification and Cancellation of Contract)

If a member wants to cancel the usage contract, the member should cancel the contract by using the "membership withdrawal" menu in the KARA website.

Article 17 (Restriction of Service Usage)

① KARA may restrict service usage by a member in violation of any clauses of Article 10 or for any of the following reasons:
1. When a vulgar ID and/or nickname is used in violation of good morals of the society
2. When a member insults other user or hinders use of the service
3. Any other hindrance of ordinary service operation
4. When relevant public agency including the Korea Communications Standards Commission requests such correction
5. Illegal website
6. Uploading of commercial software or crack files
7. Posting of pornography that violates Article 7 of the Deliberation Rules of the Information Communication Ethics    Committee
8. When contents aimed at the implementation of anti-state activity are included
9. Illegal copying of an article protected by copyright or uploading of an mp3 file protected by copyright
10. Distributing a computer virus that causes a malfunction of an information and communication facility or destruction of      information

② For any member that uses the service in line with any of the above restriction clauses, service usage can be treated in line with the terms as such for delinquent user including temporary suspension, initialization, and/or cancellation of Agreement without any separate notice.

Article 18 (Scope and Claim of Compensation for Damages)

① KARA shall not provide compensation for damages if the damage from the service to the member is unavoidable, as in the cases of natural disasters or if the damage results from the member's intentional or accidental act.
② KARA shall conform to the provision specified in clause 1 above in the cases of electronic commerce hosting or general hosting if an unavoidable damage has occurred to a surviving member.
③ In cases where KARA receives a complaint from a third party who is not a member, such as a claim for compensation or a lawsuit, due to an illegal act performed by a member in using the service, the member shall make efforts for KARA to be exempt from the obligation. If KARA is not exempt from the obligation, the member should compensate all damages to KARA.

Article 19 (Indemnity)

① KARA shall be exempt from the duty to provide service when natural disaster, war, or other force majeure prevents service provision.
② KARA shall be exempt from damages from loss incurred when the telecom service provider suspends the telecom service or fails to provide telecom service in the normal manner.
③ KARA shall be exempt from damages from loss incurred due to unavoidable reasons including repair, replacement, regular checkup, or other construction of facilities for services.
④ KARA shall not be responsible for loss or hindrance to service for reasons attributable to members.
⑤ KARA shall not be responsible for any loss incurred from error related to a user’s computer, or from incorrect personal information and/or email address provided by a member.
⑥ KARA shall not be responsible for credibility, truthfulness and other guarantee of content information, data, and/or facts posted by a member to the services.
⑦ In cases where the transaction of items (including intangible items) occurs between members or between a member and a third party over the service, KARA shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from the transaction.
⑧ KARA shall not be responsible for any damages from usage of service that is provided free to members.

Article 20 (Jurisdiction and Arbitration)

① Details that are not specified in the present Terms and Conditions conform to relevant laws and regulations, such as the Telecommunications Business Act, and commercial practices.
② In a case where a dispute occurs between KARA and a member with regard to the service usage, a lawsuit cannot be filed until the two parties have earnestly consulted with each other to resolve the dispute.
③ When a lawsuit is filed about the dispute resulting from a service usage, the lawsuit shall be filed to the court having jurisdiction over the location of the headquarters of KARA.

The present Terms and Conditions shall be effective from August 1, 2016.

Privacy Policy

The Korean Association for Radiation Application (hereinafter referred to as "KARA") values users' personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information And Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. KARA informs you about how the personal information that you provide is being handled, what it is used for, and what steps are being taken to protect your personal information through the Privacy Policy Statement. KARA shall notify members of the Privacy Policy Statement via website notice (or via individual notification) when it is amended.

■ The present Privacy Policy is implemented from August 1, 2016.

■ Collection of Personal Information and Purpose of Use
    KARA utilizes the collected personal information for the following purposes.
● Provision of contents
● Member management
- Checking personal identification for membership service, preventing fraudulent use of rogue members, preventing unauthorized use, checking of intention for joining as a member, checking of agreement by legal representative in collecting personal information of children under 14 years of age, and transferring of notifications
● Civil petition processing
- Checking the personal identification of a civil petitioner, checking of civil petition, contacting and notifying for fact investigation, and noticing process result, etc.

■ Items of Collected Personal Information
KARA collects the following personal information items for membership registration, counselling, service request, etc.
● Collected personal information items : name, login ID, password, phone number, e-mail address, access log, cookie, and access IP information
● Personal information collection method : Via RATIS website (www.ratis.or.kr)

■ Period of Retaining and Utilizing Collected Personal Information
In principle, the information is destroyed without delay after the purposes of collecting and using the personal information are accomplished. However, if the personal information needs to be preserved according to regulations specified in relevant laws and regulations, KARA retains it for a specific period of time as specified by the relevant laws and regulations as follows.
● Retained items : name, login ID, password, e-mail
● Basis of retaining : Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
● Period of retaining : Until membership withdrawal
● Records of contracts or cancellation : Five years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.)
● Records of payment and supply of goods, etc : Five years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.)
● Records of addressing consumer's complaint or dispute : Three years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.)

■ Procedures and Methods of Destroying Personal information
In principle, KARA destroys the information without delay after the purposes of collecting and using the personal information are accomplished. The destruction procedure and method are as follows.
● Destruction procedure
- The information that you enter for membership registration and other purposes is stored in the DB, and the stored information is not used for other purposes beside retaining unless by the law.
● Destruction method
- Personal information stored in an electronic file format is deleted by using a method based on a technology that does not allow playing of the record.

■ Consignment of Personal Information
● Provision of personal information
- KARA does not outsource any personal information of users to the outside in principle, except as follows.
1) Users have consented in advance.
2) In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, or when there is a request from the investigating agency in accordance with the procedures and methods set forth in laws and regulations for the purpose of investigations.

● Consignment of collected personal information
- KARA does not consign your personal information to the outside without your agreement. If a need for doing so arises in the future, KARA shall notify you about the consignment subject and the consigned works, and obtain your agreement in advance when necessary.
● Rights of users and legal representatives and methods of exercising rights
- A user or a legal representative can inquire or correct the personal information of the registered user or the children under 14 years of age or request the withdrawal of the registration anytime.
- You can click 'Change Personal Information' (or 'Modify Membership Information,' etc.) to inquire or modify the personal information of the user or the children under 14 years of age, and click "Membership Withdrawal" for withdrawal of the registration (agreement withdrawal) to view, modify, or withdraw after undergoing the procedures for checking the user identity.
- Alternatively, if you contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing or via telephone or e-mail, KARA shall take the appropriate measure without delay.
- If the information subject requests correction or deletion of the personal information, KARA shall not use or provide personal information until the correction or deletion is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to third parties, the correction results shall be notified to the third party without delay for correction.
- KARA treats the personal information that is revoked or deleted by the user or legal representative according to "the terms and conditions of KARA's personal information collection and utilization," and it is not permitted to be accessed or used for other purposes.

■ Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices
KARA operates a device that collects personal information, such as cookies, which frequently store and locate user information. Cookies are tiny text files that the server used to run the RATIS website sends to your browser and stores on a user's computer's hard disk. KARA uses cookies for the following purposes.

● Purposes of cookies, etc.
- Cookies are used to set up the front page menus, to analyze the access frequency and visiting time of members and non-membership visitors, and to perform targeted marketing and provide customized services by investigating the tastes and areas of interest of the users, tracking the users, and analyzing the degree of participation in various events and the number of times of visits. - You have the option to install cookies. Thus, you can set all options in the web browser to allow all cookies, check each time if a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. However, if you refuse to install cookies, you may not set up the front page.
- Users can choose to accept all cookies or to verify that cookies are stored every time, or to refuse to store all cookies by setting options in a web browser.
- Examples of setting up method (Internet Explorer): Tools > Internet Options > Privacy Options > Personal Information
- However, if you refuse to install cookies, it may be difficult to provide services.

■ Civil Petition Service Regarding Personal Information
KARA has designated a relevant department and a person in charge of personal information management as follows to protect the customers' personal information and deal with complaints about personal information.

Department in charge of customer service : Radiation Education Office
TEL: 02-3490-7123
E-mail: ratis@ri.or.kr

Name of person in charge of personal information management: Jang, Sol-a
TEL: 02-3490-7123
E-mail: sol8485@ri.or.kr